Empowering Health Equity: Solarizing Healthcare Facilities for Sustainable Energy Solutions of PHC facilities in Tanzania


Access to reliable electricity is critical for delivering quality healthcare, yet many primary healthcare (PHC) facilities in Tanzania, especially in rural and remote areas, face frequent power disruptions due to unreliable grid infrastructure. This undermines essential services such as diagnostics, vaccine refrigeration, and medical equipment operation, exacerbating health inequities in underserved communities. The project “Empowering Health Equity: Solarizing Healthcare Facilities for Sustainable Energy Solutions” seeks to address these challenges by installing solar energy systems in PHC facilities across Tanzania. Solarization ensures uninterrupted power supply, improves healthcare service delivery, and promotes health equity and environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Through site-specific installations, capacity building, and advocacy for supportive policies, the project aims to empower communities, enhance health outcomes, and support Tanzania’s goal of universal health coverage.


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